Noemie Chataigner – Master Diploma 2018 – Textile and fashion Design
In a future in which physical contacts do not exist anymore, in which everything is virtualized, these objects are vectors of presence.
They are ectoplasms, what is left of bodies. Each piece explores a different tactility: different temperatures, different weights. I work with materials that seem to have an internal life, that are wriggling when you touch them. They respond to touch.
This project is a design fiction project, it is about exploring possible futures. The tone is somewhat dystopic. I use a color range composed of whites, beiges, greys, which bring to mind skin, but dead skin. Pictures illustrate objects and bodies melting together. People wear the pieces voluntarily but as soon as they are in contact with a body, they swathe it, take control of it.
Objects escort people in the lack of physical presence, but they do so by being too present, too much in contact with bodies and therefore annihilating the feeling of absence.