Diplôme Supérieur d’Arts Appliqués Lyon

École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués La Martinière Diderot

Soleil noir

Laborde-Castex Louise louise.laborde97@gmail.com Internet doesn’t sleep, eat, nor take any breaks. Our occupations can become constant, and sometimes pushes us to undergo our rhythms of life more than to control them. Speed transforms conception of our spatial environment (urban and architectural) by densifying and multiplying our mobilities. Regulated by schedules, without notion of the time, […]
soleil noir

Laborde-Castex Louise

Internet doesn’t sleep, eat, nor take any breaks. Our occupations can become constant, and sometimes pushes us to undergo our rhythms of life more than to control them. Speed transforms conception of our spatial environment (urban and architectural) by densifying and multiplying our mobilities. Regulated by schedules, without notion of the time, places of transit testify of the turn that take our ways of life, disproportionate and individualistic. « Soleil Noir » is a poetic answer that links body and space to time. This prospective architectural gesture aims to be grafted onto the Part-Dieu project on construction. We face an architecture destroyed by the time, couldn’t the space be built by speed?