Diplôme Supérieur d’Arts Appliqués Lyon

École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués La Martinière Diderot

From the shadow to the light

Gertaldi Célia Celia.gertaldi@gmail.com   The concept of ambiance is rich and complex, it allows us to understand what we cannot see and feel what is not palpable. An ambiance is created thanks to three components: our senses, space and the others. All three combine together and we perceive them differently. Each place is considered as […]

Gertaldi Célia



The concept of ambiance is rich and complex, it allows us to understand what we cannot see and feel what is not palpable.

An ambiance is created thanks to three components: our senses, space and the others.

All three combine together and we perceive them differently. Each place is considered as a bubble that juxtaposes another to form a foam: a world of ambiances where each space releases a particular atmosphere.

In the pathway of the Abbey of the Déserte which connects the Gabriel-Rambaud square to the Sathonay square, my project tries to reveal the existing atmospheres of each place, without altering or modifying them. I focused on the threshold of those bubbles, the link that unites them, how they interact.